Testing your dried plant material reduces the mystery and the guess work of your garden quality and chemical composition.

Lab Accuracy In Seconds

Validated by comparing Purpl PRO flower potency test results with those from certified testinglaboratories in two states.

What We Can Measure

  • THC Potency

  • CBD Potency

  • Moisture Content

  • Water ACtiviyy

Potency doesn’t have to be a

mystery, guess or assumption.

What's Needed For a Test:

  • Purchase Necessary For Free Test

  • Up to 3 Test per Day

  • 1 gram of DRIED Plant Material

  • 5 minutes of Your Time

  • $10 for each additional Test

How Purpl Works

To measure potency, the Purpl PRO utilizes near-infrared spectroscopy, which involves shining light on a sample and analyzing the light that is returned. In this part of the light spectrum (just beyond the red light human eyes can see), molecules react to specific regions of the light to generate a “molecular fingerprint” that can be correlated with concentration. In its development, the Purpl PRO was calibrated against HPLC measurements from multiple state-certified testing laboratories.

THC & CBD Testing

Testing for CBD using the Purpl PRO is similar to THC. Molecules of CBD absorb some amount of light at specific parts of the NIR, however it’s a different part of the NIR light than the THC measurement utilizes. If there is more CBD, it reflects more light. If there is less CBD, it absorbs more light.

The Purpl PRO CBD measurement is a key tool for medical cannabis consumers and cultivators as well as CBD users who are wanting a lower THC level and higher CBD level in their products.

Water Activity & Moisture Testing

When it comes to getting a great product, the curing process is the most important part of the cycle. To test for water activity and moisture, traditional lab testing methods typically require multiple days of allowing a sample to dry and cure, to allow the moisture to evaporate until the product reaches the critical parameter around <15% moisture. Thankfully, the Purpl PRO’s +H2O Pack delivers unlimited instant test results for both percentage moisture and water activity using NIRS, so you know what you have and if it’s truly ready to process, smoke or sell.

How Accurate is The Purpl PRO?

Overall, Purpl states a +/- 2% accuracy on THC and CBD for simplicity. Statistically, it is +/- 1.89% on THC and +/- 0.96% on CBD, determined by comparison with lab HPLC measurements.


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St.Louis, Missouri 63116

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